Location: Australia

People often say "I really worry about what goes on in your mind..." which I'm sure is meant with love, not fear...I like to think of myself as a glass type full kinda gal, who likes sleep ins, spin classes (especially at the moment when the pain disappears), scary movies, first kisses, chocolate, hugs, innuendos, laughing so hard it hurts and dancing to your favourite song.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Ok just did a quick scan of other blogs out in world...and was checking out what some people noted down as interests...Now not to judge (but probably totally doing just that) but someone had noted down sex...And it threw me...I understand people enjoying sex or wanting know, do it alot. But noting it down as an interest? Aren't interests kinda like hobbies? So this person is saying sex is a hobby? They're off having a bit of a dull day or they've got a spare fifteen minutes and instead of toiling around with some crotchet or doing a spot if gardening, they'll go and have a shag...Nice concept...but a weird way to look at it surely???


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