About Me
- Name: sarah
- Location: Australia
People often say "I really worry about what goes on in your mind..." which I'm sure is meant with love, not fear...I like to think of myself as a glass type full kinda gal, who likes sleep ins, spin classes (especially at the moment when the pain disappears), scary movies, first kisses, chocolate, hugs, innuendos, laughing so hard it hurts and dancing to your favourite song.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Some people (nameless, faceless people who I don't know obviously...) don't appreciate 80s music. I just don't get it...The vague, disinterested snobbery. Like any cd released back when Michael Jackson was black is bad. (ahh pun not intended - but happy it's there) I totally respect that there is a lot of rubbish that is still sinfully played on golden oldies radio stations (Oh Mickey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind hey mickey...) and inflicted onto people at the end of a party and creates this incorrect stereotype that 80s music could be equated with the following adjectives; tinny, disposable,soulless and musically without merit. It's just not true. Like any other decade, there was some lows but there is so much that still withstands scrutiny and more importantly, just transcends the era. Ok I know I sound all gushy but I feel like I'm defending some misunderstood but supremely talented friend. Synthesiser and drum machine do not need to be regarded as dirty words....To paraphrase - "You're indestructible...always believe that you're gold!"
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Diary of a Choc Addict
Diary of a Choc Addict
So here are the facts – I am giving up chocolate for lent. We’re talking no chocolate bars, no hot chocs, no choc biscuits, no fudge – NOTHING. The longest I can remember ever going without chocolate is seven days. Once I tried to give it up for a week in Lent and accidentally (honest – it was an accident) ate an ice cream that had chocolate flavouring. I have a feeling this experience will be akin to a junkie giving up the gear. I feel a bit like Pete Doherty and actually his face springs to mind every time I think of what I’m doing. Cold Turkey. None of the brown or white stuff….Can I do it? Will I break? Will I serve as a cautionary tale to other addicts out there or will this diary be hidden away, only to be re-read by myself as I shamefully eat a Mars bar? Only time will tell. The 44 days begins…
Day One (March 3)
I have brought my supplies to work – the usual stuff; an apple, sandwich, muesli and additional “choc” substitutes of toast with jam (this is to be my new treat) and a crunchola bar. Unfortunately (or fortunately) today I don’t need it as we have a supplied morning tea at work. Temptation! I avoid the choccies and go for the chips. Note to diary – long term substituting of chocolate for other equally dodgy food groups is not the ideal way I want to go. I watch Christos eat three chocolate sponge rolls and do not feel desire only wonder if he is now consuming my equivalent…
Day Two (March 4)
Alcohol seems to have proven a welcome distraction. Wake up a tad hungover and think how well some jaffas would go…Thankfully I have none in my room and my lemon detox drink and muesli go down a treat. No real temptation pangs today but find myself telling Louise and Chris K about how I am on day two of challenge…then think on that with a mixture of proud and embarrassment…I’m two days in – there really is nothing to be commending self on at this point!
Day Three (March 5)
Half a donut, some creamy Greek cake…I feel like I’m cheating somewhat. I am going to be better and not just eat half of Melbourne to get through the loss of chocolate. It makes me aware that we get so used to something in our lives. I need to stop going on about “not having chocolate”. Housemates are being very supportive…hence the jam donut. Their hearts were in the right place.
Day Four (March 6)
Oscars day. Pretty much distracted by that!
Day Five (March 7)
Realization occurs. I had a couple of headaches and felt light headed a few days in the day. Felt it again today and connected that perhaps body is suffering with-drawls. Donna looked up on internet and apparently your body does suffer different symptoms when giving up caffeine. Obviously I’m not doing that but choc does have caffeine and still…maybe it’s sugar with-drawls as well.
In other choc related info , last night I had a dream that I accidentally ate a choc top ice cream…this is very like my KFC dreams…When I first gave it up I kept dreaming that I forgot and ate it…
Day Seven (March 9)
A new low. In lieu of any other “substance” abuse, I have taken to having a coffee around 10am in the morning. Decaf, One sugar, latte. I have been able to rationalize that due to it being decaf it is not as though I am substituting caffeine for chocolate.
Around 3pm today I got so low on energy and craving a sugar fix that I resorted to my own personal (well Chris K’s stash) of Methadone, a.k.a honey. She provided me with two teaspoons of. Hit the spot but only made me wonder how much of this is all due to monotony and boredom…don’t seem to feel quite as antsy for choc etc on weekends…even when I was allowed it…back in those old days of seven days ago...
I speak to mum on the phone tonight. When I relay my ”symptoms” she advises I maybe diabetic…I think it’s simply the result of me trying to break a lifetime habit…It’s a funny thing what we get used to…All I can say is at this point I really think I am going to enjoy Easter Sunday…I think it’s when you deny yourself something it makes it seem all the more special and desirable…You want what you can’t have after all…
Day Seventeen (March 19)
Ok…so my plan of not eating other crap in lieu of chocolate? I’m not sure how we classify chips, sweet chilly philly, bacon and egg muffins, maccas, ice cream…not going to the gym…Alright this past week has been called “naughty week” and that ain’t no lie. As of Tuesday though I figure if I can give up chocolate I can give up all other crap…well most other crap…It’s kinda crazy to think I’m on day seventeen…right now Leigh is making a chocolate cake for Emma’s birthday…and at my friend’s wedding last week there was a giant divine looking chocolate laden wedding cake…as well as these white chocolate cases where strawberries were inside…I ate the strawberries and put the chocolate to one side…I tell you what…some days…no…some moments this is hard…but most of the time I feel ok…I feel I can and am going to do it…rock on…
Day Eighteen (March 20)
Said birthday cake wound up being stored in my wardrobe. Harsh. The tempting warm aroma of chocolate wafted sweetly through every corner of my room. Makes you think that would be a nice scent to have in ones room –although I’m sure it wouldn’t be beneficial for ones overall health and diet incentive. Still it wasn’t too hard not to get up in the middle of the night and stuff my face (partly because that would be incredibly horrible to eat someone’s birthday cake). Tomorrow will be harder as I’m really trying to give up all the other “crutch” food – chippies, lollies etc because that just seems…a little bit cheaty that’s all.
Day Twenty-One (March 23)
Easter can be a mean thing…Why is there so much chocolate in the supermarket?
Day Thirty (April 1)
Over half way. Can’t quite believe it. Have realized though you get to a point where it becomes easier…it’s because the choice is almost taken from you…I am simply not allowed chocolate so if someone offers me a few stray choccies or a bite of a Magnum ice cream or a yummy home-made concoction of chocolate ice cream delights…it’s a simple “I can’t have it but thanks.” It’s like a dietary issue. Some people can’t eat peanuts or wheat…I don’t do chocolate…which is funny to hear myself say that.
Day Thirty- Three (April 4)
Only 11 days to go… I’m over a third of the way there. Plus I have been (mostly) resisting other temptations…I admit I had a yellow donut (I know yellow isn’t a flavour but I’ll be blowed if I know what flavour it was purporting to be) today but I don’t think that’s any reason to feel guilty. I also did NOT have my usual Choc-substitute-but-pretending-it’s-not-decaf-coffee today…perhaps that’s why I got briefly lethargic and moody in the afternoon but I believe that has more to do with the tres boring work meeting I had than anything “naughty” foods. I
It’s at this point in my Lent / Project that I really want to think about what I want out of this beyond the whole Lent experience. First off I want to be able to enjoy the chocolate I consume (note the word consume and not gorge) on Easter Sunday without overdoing it and not truly appreciating the taste. Secondly though I really want to cut down on my usual day to day consumption. I’m aware there’s worse things in the world a person can eat but if I want to be a fit, healthy, body aware person, I think cutting down and really savouring the choc I eat is better than a “I’m bored / slightly puckish / just thought of choc therefore let’s eat some” approach to my milk chocolatey weakness.
Day Forty (April 12)
All I can say is five days to go…Today we binged out at work on a small bag of those candy bananas (really powdery and yellow – cue lots of “is that a banana in your hand” etc type jokes) which I bought…Well there’s this guy at work who comes in once a week with a lolly trolley…He’s bad…It’s basically like a lingerie clad model going strolling around some horny teenage guy’s house…how can you possibly resist? (That’s the worst analogy…blame the lack of chocolate.) Today my lack of chocolate drove me to thinking a customer at work’s surname was CADBURY when it fact it read CARBURY…so close, right? Hmmm…I feel confident that these last five days will be okay…I’m on the home straight…I just need to stay focused and remember I’m doing this for God…and my stomach…
Day of Reckoning
The day I was allowed to eat chocolate…Weirdly enough I wasn’t too excited…possibly the hangover I had was not an encouraging sign in terms of putting anything in my mouth…let alone chocolate. However in the spirit of Easter and the fact there was a gigantic amount of chocolate available at my parents house to eat I nobly did my bit…It tasted very sweet and was a bit rich and couldn’t manage to eat it all but there we go….I did it…Despite my dad trying to tempt with chocolate Tim Tam biscuits on Friday (two days before the said allowed day) I stood strong…
Ok so my thoughts that I would be able to resist chocolate easier appear to be vaguely unfounded….I’m blaming Easter as there is so much chocolate hanging around pleading to be eaten…Heaven forbid I blame myself…but I think when this burst is over…will be good again…although clearly not as good as the past 44 days…although who knows? If I’ve done it once…it shows I can do it. The chocoholic can live without their chocolate…so I’m holding out hope for Pete Doherty…Heroin can’t be too much worse…surely?
So here are the facts – I am giving up chocolate for lent. We’re talking no chocolate bars, no hot chocs, no choc biscuits, no fudge – NOTHING. The longest I can remember ever going without chocolate is seven days. Once I tried to give it up for a week in Lent and accidentally (honest – it was an accident) ate an ice cream that had chocolate flavouring. I have a feeling this experience will be akin to a junkie giving up the gear. I feel a bit like Pete Doherty and actually his face springs to mind every time I think of what I’m doing. Cold Turkey. None of the brown or white stuff….Can I do it? Will I break? Will I serve as a cautionary tale to other addicts out there or will this diary be hidden away, only to be re-read by myself as I shamefully eat a Mars bar? Only time will tell. The 44 days begins…
Day One (March 3)
I have brought my supplies to work – the usual stuff; an apple, sandwich, muesli and additional “choc” substitutes of toast with jam (this is to be my new treat) and a crunchola bar. Unfortunately (or fortunately) today I don’t need it as we have a supplied morning tea at work. Temptation! I avoid the choccies and go for the chips. Note to diary – long term substituting of chocolate for other equally dodgy food groups is not the ideal way I want to go. I watch Christos eat three chocolate sponge rolls and do not feel desire only wonder if he is now consuming my equivalent…
Day Two (March 4)
Alcohol seems to have proven a welcome distraction. Wake up a tad hungover and think how well some jaffas would go…Thankfully I have none in my room and my lemon detox drink and muesli go down a treat. No real temptation pangs today but find myself telling Louise and Chris K about how I am on day two of challenge…then think on that with a mixture of proud and embarrassment…I’m two days in – there really is nothing to be commending self on at this point!
Day Three (March 5)
Half a donut, some creamy Greek cake…I feel like I’m cheating somewhat. I am going to be better and not just eat half of Melbourne to get through the loss of chocolate. It makes me aware that we get so used to something in our lives. I need to stop going on about “not having chocolate”. Housemates are being very supportive…hence the jam donut. Their hearts were in the right place.
Day Four (March 6)
Oscars day. Pretty much distracted by that!
Day Five (March 7)
Realization occurs. I had a couple of headaches and felt light headed a few days in the day. Felt it again today and connected that perhaps body is suffering with-drawls. Donna looked up on internet and apparently your body does suffer different symptoms when giving up caffeine. Obviously I’m not doing that but choc does have caffeine and still…maybe it’s sugar with-drawls as well.
In other choc related info , last night I had a dream that I accidentally ate a choc top ice cream…this is very like my KFC dreams…When I first gave it up I kept dreaming that I forgot and ate it…
Day Seven (March 9)
A new low. In lieu of any other “substance” abuse, I have taken to having a coffee around 10am in the morning. Decaf, One sugar, latte. I have been able to rationalize that due to it being decaf it is not as though I am substituting caffeine for chocolate.
Around 3pm today I got so low on energy and craving a sugar fix that I resorted to my own personal (well Chris K’s stash) of Methadone, a.k.a honey. She provided me with two teaspoons of. Hit the spot but only made me wonder how much of this is all due to monotony and boredom…don’t seem to feel quite as antsy for choc etc on weekends…even when I was allowed it…back in those old days of seven days ago...
I speak to mum on the phone tonight. When I relay my ”symptoms” she advises I maybe diabetic…I think it’s simply the result of me trying to break a lifetime habit…It’s a funny thing what we get used to…All I can say is at this point I really think I am going to enjoy Easter Sunday…I think it’s when you deny yourself something it makes it seem all the more special and desirable…You want what you can’t have after all…
Day Seventeen (March 19)
Ok…so my plan of not eating other crap in lieu of chocolate? I’m not sure how we classify chips, sweet chilly philly, bacon and egg muffins, maccas, ice cream…not going to the gym…Alright this past week has been called “naughty week” and that ain’t no lie. As of Tuesday though I figure if I can give up chocolate I can give up all other crap…well most other crap…It’s kinda crazy to think I’m on day seventeen…right now Leigh is making a chocolate cake for Emma’s birthday…and at my friend’s wedding last week there was a giant divine looking chocolate laden wedding cake…as well as these white chocolate cases where strawberries were inside…I ate the strawberries and put the chocolate to one side…I tell you what…some days…no…some moments this is hard…but most of the time I feel ok…I feel I can and am going to do it…rock on…
Day Eighteen (March 20)
Said birthday cake wound up being stored in my wardrobe. Harsh. The tempting warm aroma of chocolate wafted sweetly through every corner of my room. Makes you think that would be a nice scent to have in ones room –although I’m sure it wouldn’t be beneficial for ones overall health and diet incentive. Still it wasn’t too hard not to get up in the middle of the night and stuff my face (partly because that would be incredibly horrible to eat someone’s birthday cake). Tomorrow will be harder as I’m really trying to give up all the other “crutch” food – chippies, lollies etc because that just seems…a little bit cheaty that’s all.
Day Twenty-One (March 23)
Easter can be a mean thing…Why is there so much chocolate in the supermarket?
Day Thirty (April 1)
Over half way. Can’t quite believe it. Have realized though you get to a point where it becomes easier…it’s because the choice is almost taken from you…I am simply not allowed chocolate so if someone offers me a few stray choccies or a bite of a Magnum ice cream or a yummy home-made concoction of chocolate ice cream delights…it’s a simple “I can’t have it but thanks.” It’s like a dietary issue. Some people can’t eat peanuts or wheat…I don’t do chocolate…which is funny to hear myself say that.
Day Thirty- Three (April 4)
Only 11 days to go… I’m over a third of the way there. Plus I have been (mostly) resisting other temptations…I admit I had a yellow donut (I know yellow isn’t a flavour but I’ll be blowed if I know what flavour it was purporting to be) today but I don’t think that’s any reason to feel guilty. I also did NOT have my usual Choc-substitute-but-pretending-it’s-not-decaf-coffee today…perhaps that’s why I got briefly lethargic and moody in the afternoon but I believe that has more to do with the tres boring work meeting I had than anything “naughty” foods. I
It’s at this point in my Lent / Project that I really want to think about what I want out of this beyond the whole Lent experience. First off I want to be able to enjoy the chocolate I consume (note the word consume and not gorge) on Easter Sunday without overdoing it and not truly appreciating the taste. Secondly though I really want to cut down on my usual day to day consumption. I’m aware there’s worse things in the world a person can eat but if I want to be a fit, healthy, body aware person, I think cutting down and really savouring the choc I eat is better than a “I’m bored / slightly puckish / just thought of choc therefore let’s eat some” approach to my milk chocolatey weakness.
Day Forty (April 12)
All I can say is five days to go…Today we binged out at work on a small bag of those candy bananas (really powdery and yellow – cue lots of “is that a banana in your hand” etc type jokes) which I bought…Well there’s this guy at work who comes in once a week with a lolly trolley…He’s bad…It’s basically like a lingerie clad model going strolling around some horny teenage guy’s house…how can you possibly resist? (That’s the worst analogy…blame the lack of chocolate.) Today my lack of chocolate drove me to thinking a customer at work’s surname was CADBURY when it fact it read CARBURY…so close, right? Hmmm…I feel confident that these last five days will be okay…I’m on the home straight…I just need to stay focused and remember I’m doing this for God…and my stomach…
Day of Reckoning
The day I was allowed to eat chocolate…Weirdly enough I wasn’t too excited…possibly the hangover I had was not an encouraging sign in terms of putting anything in my mouth…let alone chocolate. However in the spirit of Easter and the fact there was a gigantic amount of chocolate available at my parents house to eat I nobly did my bit…It tasted very sweet and was a bit rich and couldn’t manage to eat it all but there we go….I did it…Despite my dad trying to tempt with chocolate Tim Tam biscuits on Friday (two days before the said allowed day) I stood strong…
Ok so my thoughts that I would be able to resist chocolate easier appear to be vaguely unfounded….I’m blaming Easter as there is so much chocolate hanging around pleading to be eaten…Heaven forbid I blame myself…but I think when this burst is over…will be good again…although clearly not as good as the past 44 days…although who knows? If I’ve done it once…it shows I can do it. The chocoholic can live without their chocolate…so I’m holding out hope for Pete Doherty…Heroin can’t be too much worse…surely?
Monday, November 06, 2006
age cannot wither her...him...
Gabriel Byrne is 56....56...Like that's disturbing yeah? (not being 56 on it's own but me being a little 26 year old..still finding him hot...) My father is basically Gabriel's age...That's kinda gross...Not being ageist...I mean flip it and reverse it as Missy Elliot would say...My father being hot for some 26 year old birdy...But yet, you kind of understand it more with guys thinking young chicks are sexy...It's what is standard...But fancying some practically "craggy" irish guy??? Don't get me wrong...I think Gabe was at his hottest when he was in his early 30s...yum...The problem being he is still hot now...Not AS hot...but hot...Would I go there? Personally I'm not sure Gabriel and I will ever cross paths....(I feel this will be the point in this particular blog that my brother will freak out) but maybe I would...I mean he's hot... It's just one of those things...guys seem to stay hot and/or get sexier as they age (case in point Dr McDreamy) whereas women just get aged or botoxed Nicole Kidman styles...I'm just not sure if we don't value age in women as we do in men or if it's just one of those inexplicable things....
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Sandwich and the "he's your boyfriend "game
Two things...Mucho fun...Incredibly wrong...
1) the sandwich - a fun past-time where you put together two yummy ingredients to make the perfect sammy...example - Daniel Day Lewis and Brian Molko (not my sandwich but a close friend of mine's suggestion). You get the idea I'm sure...I guess you could call it the threesome game...
2) pick wildly inappropriate random strangers (they can by hideous but it's not about that...the humour is in picking crazy people...) and telling the friend you're with "Hey, isn't that your boyfriend?"
A surprisingly funny game that I'm sure will one day end in tears....
1) the sandwich - a fun past-time where you put together two yummy ingredients to make the perfect sammy...example - Daniel Day Lewis and Brian Molko (not my sandwich but a close friend of mine's suggestion). You get the idea I'm sure...I guess you could call it the threesome game...
2) pick wildly inappropriate random strangers (they can by hideous but it's not about that...the humour is in picking crazy people...) and telling the friend you're with "Hey, isn't that your boyfriend?"
A surprisingly funny game that I'm sure will one day end in tears....
Tim Roth and a black taffeta dress
Ok so it's working..Exciting...Not that anyone even reads this..I mean clearly I don't even read it when the last blog was in June...
Anywho...I think I have a RAGE issue...And I actually think it's the cause of the society we live in...Vietnam (I was there a few weeks ago) was like a millions times crazier than here and people are just so RUDE here...I honestly just about lose at people...Why are people so OBNOXIOUS???
Ok this is not my most intellectual of blogs...I think that honour has to go to my philosphising about contact lenses...
Anywho...I think I have a RAGE issue...And I actually think it's the cause of the society we live in...Vietnam (I was there a few weeks ago) was like a millions times crazier than here and people are just so RUDE here...I honestly just about lose at people...Why are people so OBNOXIOUS???
Ok this is not my most intellectual of blogs...I think that honour has to go to my philosphising about contact lenses...
blogging again
I dont even know if this is going to work...so i'll just write some rubbish and then check...bananas...newspaper...plastic sandwich bag...ha ha so very funny...In case this does work I'd just like to pose the question of the day...who is more ridiculously handsome...rob lowe or brad pitt?????
riddle me that....(personally i find brad kinda....generic...like i reckon i would say no...but maybe thats just silly talk....let's be honest tho...neither of them are dirk....
riddle me that....(personally i find brad kinda....generic...like i reckon i would say no...but maybe thats just silly talk....let's be honest tho...neither of them are dirk....
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Contact Lenses
Maybe I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel here...But contact lenses amaze me...It seriously kinda freaks me out...How does that little sheeny bit of plastic make me see?
Skinny Skinny Skinny
I remember ages ago you used to read about people wanting to be a perfect "ten." And not in the Bo Derek running on a bench sans bra kinda way (Has anyone else seen that movie? Dudley Moore married to Julie "Fraulin Maria" Andrews whilst perving incessantly at Bo...Soooo badddd) but in a size ten kinda way. Size ten was what you wanted to be. The size mentioned as a goal for those dieting and the benchmark of knowing you were healthy and slim. Slim has been replaced by thin. Size Eight anyone? And now with the over-exposure of increasingly tiny celebs and models everywhere you look, the target appears to be size six. Now don't get me wrong; I know some people are naturally skinnier than others, the same as some people have blue eyes and some green. But we live in a society where acceptance is not really desirable. We are meant to strive for something...Something that maybe isn't really a goal, but is more of a trap.
I don't think the issue is that size ten is not necessarily the target anymore. People are exercising more, perhaps have better ideas in terms of diet...Or do we? Does smaller necessarily mean healthier? You see some people who shift a few kilos, exercise more, eat better and look really good. Feel good and that, to me, is a positive; a reason to step away from that second helping. But then what about that person who's a size twelve and looks good, eats well, exercises and can't find anything to wear in her size? We live in a society where I believe 80% are size twelve or over yet the racks in stores are filled with sixes and eights. Does Sportsgirl really think Posh Spice is coming to go on a mass shopping spree thus justifying stocking all these teeny clothes?
I don't really have any answers. I don't know where it all stemmed from but I don't know anyone who doesn't know their size and hasn't at one time expressed a wish to be skinnier. Not healthier, but skinnier. People seem to equate them as one and the same. But when you hear stories - true stories - of five year old girls worrying that if they eat their lunch, "they'll get fat" I think the problem is not going to shrink away like the ideal size...
I don't think the issue is that size ten is not necessarily the target anymore. People are exercising more, perhaps have better ideas in terms of diet...Or do we? Does smaller necessarily mean healthier? You see some people who shift a few kilos, exercise more, eat better and look really good. Feel good and that, to me, is a positive; a reason to step away from that second helping. But then what about that person who's a size twelve and looks good, eats well, exercises and can't find anything to wear in her size? We live in a society where I believe 80% are size twelve or over yet the racks in stores are filled with sixes and eights. Does Sportsgirl really think Posh Spice is coming to go on a mass shopping spree thus justifying stocking all these teeny clothes?
I don't really have any answers. I don't know where it all stemmed from but I don't know anyone who doesn't know their size and hasn't at one time expressed a wish to be skinnier. Not healthier, but skinnier. People seem to equate them as one and the same. But when you hear stories - true stories - of five year old girls worrying that if they eat their lunch, "they'll get fat" I think the problem is not going to shrink away like the ideal size...
Monday, June 19, 2006
Ok just did a quick scan of other blogs out in the...blog world...and was checking out what some people noted down as interests...Now not to judge (but probably totally doing just that) but someone had noted down sex...And it threw me...I understand people enjoying sex or wanting to...you know, do it alot. But noting it down as an interest? Aren't interests kinda like hobbies? So this person is saying sex is a hobby? They're off having a bit of a dull day or they've got a spare fifteen minutes and instead of toiling around with some crotchet or doing a spot if gardening, they'll go and have a shag...Nice concept...but a weird way to look at it surely???
These are a few of my favourite things
I seem to know a lot of people who make lists. My housemate is one of them. I totally understand the joy of list making...The minor downsides being if someone comes across your list and judges you...like if you're listing all the music you love and "Milli Vanilli" is seriously included. Or if someone comes across your list of lifetime goals and finds the fact you want to be a basketballer (and you're three feet two) quite hilarious. I've had goal lists posted in my bathroom, which are motivational as well as depressing (Gee I still haven't done that...) The only real list that has no possible sour consequences is a grocery list but even then maybe they could...("You're buying low fat?? I want non-fat!!!") Anyway I digress...My sister and I started emailing each other lists of things we liked one day and it kinda spiralled into an ongoing "What's hot/What's not" type list and it's incredibly fun. Lame but fun. This is my long winded explanation for why I called my blog "Tim Roth and a black taffeta dress. " Please note that the word "and," not "in". That image would be far from ideal...But an empty ballroom, me in the aforementioned dress, dancing around with Tim (he dances in a cool, indie, Tarantino movie type way in my imagining...It's actually more of a walk...) is just cool...
My other right this minute favorite things are as follows
*helium balloons
*ipods that work (sigh...)
*verve champers
*white teeth
*melted butter on hot bread
*new car smell
*Zach Braff being single...tho Mandy was cool
Right now I'm off sick from work...which is my slapdash explanation for my waffling...I'm new at this blog thing...Be gentle with me...I'll improve in time :)
My other right this minute favorite things are as follows
*helium balloons
*ipods that work (sigh...)
*verve champers
*white teeth
*melted butter on hot bread
*new car smell
*Zach Braff being single...tho Mandy was cool
Right now I'm off sick from work...which is my slapdash explanation for my waffling...I'm new at this blog thing...Be gentle with me...I'll improve in time :)